The Mobi-TRE Project

1- Project Description 

Funded by: Italy – The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) 

Implemented by: IOM – International Organization for Migration 

Geographical Scope: Tunisia (North-West and South-East regions); Italy 

Project Duration: 36 months 

Budget: 2,900,000 EUR 

2- Context 

Migration is recognized in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a factor of development in both the countries of origin and destination of migrants. Migrants contribute to development, notably through the transfer of social, human, cultural, and financial capital. For instance, their remittances help fight poverty and reduce inequalities in their countries of origin.

In this regard, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is responsible for implementing a project aimed at contributing to the economic development of the North-West and South-East regions of Tunisia through the mobilization and engagement of the Tunisian diaspora abroad, particularly that established in Italy. This project primarily targets, although not exclusively, vulnerable populations living in the Kef, Jendouba, Medenine, and Tataouine governorates.

This project is funded by AICS and relies on the provisions of the new Tunisian Investment Code and on the willingness of the Tunisian authorities to develop the Social and Solidarity Economy. 

3- Project Objectives        

The Mobi-TRE project complements efforts already made by AICS by supporting the UNOPS “Creation of microenterprises in Medenine and Tataouine” project and the FAO “Youth mobility, food security, and rural poverty reduction” project. It relies on IOM’s extensive network of governmental and non-governmental partners in Tunisia and strives to create synergies with other programs implemented by IOM or other bodies.

Regarding Mobi-TRE, the IOM, in close collaboration with Tunisian authorities at national and regional levels, civil society, as well as the private sector in both Tunisia and Italy, aims to achieve two main objectives:

  1. Create employment opportunities for the populations of the North-West and South-East regions of Tunisia in order to reduce poverty and curb the risks associated with irregular migration.
  2. Promote investments by the Tunisian diaspora in Italy to foster regional development in Tunisia within a transnational cooperation framework.

The IOM is responsible for the execution of the Mobi-TRE project by implementing all the activities planned within the project’s agenda, inter alia: 

  • The identification of high value-added economic activities;
  • The selection of beneficiaries and investors;
  • The establishment of match funding;
  • The implementation of support initiatives at different phases of the project.


Call for applications for the selection of Tunisian entrepreneurs in Tunisia and investors from the Tunisian diaspora in France, Italy, Germany, Côte d’Ivoire, and Saudi Arabia for entrepreneurship in Tunisia 

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Mapping of Tunisians Residing in Italy

This study was developed by the research department of the Association of the Diaspora PONTES Ricerche e Interventi on behalf of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Tunisia within the framework of the Mobi-TRE project “Migration as a Resource: Mobilizing the Tunisian Diaspora and Stabilizing Disadvantaged Communities in Tunisia”.

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Tunisia has been an IOM member since 1999. The IOM office in Tunisia was established in 2001. IOM strongly believes that humane and orderly migration is beneficial for migrants and society.

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